Winter Traction Aids 101

Running outside in Ottawa in the winter can have it’s challenges and traction is definitely one of them. Here are some recommendations based on personal experience. There are other brands available in most of these styles. The brands listed below are the ones that I have actually tried. Regular Yaktrax and Yaktrax Pro Don’t buyContinue reading “Winter Traction Aids 101”

Snowshoe Running Basics

Slogging through the snowy streets of Ottawa over the winter can be a challenge. Wet feet, snowbanks in the middle of the sidewalk because they get cleared last, and the really cold days when your eyelids freeze together. A little cross training goes a long way to break things up. A few years ago, IContinue reading “Snowshoe Running Basics”

Tips for Outdoor Winter Running

Thinking about running outdoors this winter? Here is some basic advice to help you stay as warm and comfortable as possible. What to wear? Layers, layers, layers… several thin layers are better than one thick one. NO COTTON – cotton clothing absorbs sweat so you get cold and damp from the inside out. High tech synthetic and merinoContinue reading “Tips for Outdoor Winter Running”

Never Run a 10K in a Hazmat Suit. The Life and Times of a 60 Minute Pace Bunny.

It all started quite innocently. I  volunteered to be a pace bunny for Ottawa Race Weekend and when I discovered that I had to wear a shirt that was too big and a hat with ears on it, I decided If I had to look silly why not look really silly. I went to WalmartContinue reading “Never Run a 10K in a Hazmat Suit. The Life and Times of a 60 Minute Pace Bunny.”

2014 Ironman 70.3 World Championship Race Report

Originally posted on Racing and Traveling over 50.:
The short version: Awesome venue, great event, 2500 athletes from 87 countries and they all looked fast! The long version: Living in Ottawa and being involved with Ironman races both as a volunteer and a competitor Tremblant is starting to feel like home. I went up on Thursday,…

2009 Ford Ironman World Championships Race Report

Originally posted on Racing and Traveling over 50.:
Every year 1800 or so athletes arrive in Kona for the World Ironman Championships. Almost 24 hours after leaving home Harold, JR, Michele and myself arrived among them. The only thing that was missing was my bike. We knew where it was because we saw it sitting on…